felp?. # and `felp(felp)` return source and document of `felp` function
function (topic, package = NULL, ...)
if (missing(topic))
return(do.call(help, list(package = substitute(package),
t <- rev(as.character(substitute(topic)))
p <- c(as.character(substitute(package)), t[2L])[1L]
if (is.na(p))
p <- NULL
str(get(t[1L], envir = if (is.null(p))
else asNamespace(p)))
try(help(t[1L], p[1L], ...))
<bytecode: 0x55e96d06bc18>
<environment: namespace:felp>
Functional help which displays structure of an object in addition to help
Structure of object is returned by str()
For a function, its source is returned instead of str()
felp(topic, package = NULL, ...)
topic |
usually, a name or character string specifying the
topic for which help is sought. A character string (enclosed in
explicit single or double quotes) is always taken as naming a topic.
If the value of topic is a length-one
character vector the topic is taken to be the value of the only
element. Otherwise topic must be a name or a reserved
word (if syntactically valid) or character string.
See ‘Details’ for what happens if this is omitted.
package |
a name or character vector giving the packages to look
into for documentation, or NULL . By default, all packages
whose namespaces are loaded are used. To avoid a name being deparsed use e.g.
(pkg_ref) (see the examples).
... |
Arguments passed on to utils::help
lib.loc a character vector of directory names of R libraries,
or NULL . The default value of NULL corresponds to all
libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded
packages are searched before the libraries. This is not used for
HTML help (see ‘Details’).
verbose logical; if TRUE , the file name is reported.
try.all.packages logical; see Note .
help_type character string: the type of help required.
Possible values are "text" , "html" and "pdf" .
Case is ignored, and partial matching is allowed.
# Identical to help(identity); print(identity)
# Identical to help(iris); str(iris)
# Identical to help(package = stats)
felp(package = stats)
felp?p # and `felp(package = felp)` return document of `felp` package
Information on package 'felp'
Package: felp
Type: Package
Title: Functional Help for Functions, Objects, and
Version: 0.6.0
Author: Atsushi Yasumoto [aut, cph, cre]
Authors@R: c( person( given = "Atsushi", family =
"Yasumoto", role = c("aut", "cph", "cre"), email
= "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID =
"0000-0002-8335-495X") ) )
Maintainer: Atsushi Yasumoto <[email protected]>
Description: Enhance R help system by fuzzy search and preview
interface, pseudo-postfix operators, and more.
The `?.` pseudo-postfix operator and the `?`
prefix operator displays documents and contents
(source or structure) of objects simultaneously
to help understanding the objects. The `?p`
pseudo-postfix operator displays package
documents, and is shorter than help(package =
URL: https://felp.atusy.net/,
BugReports: https://github.com/atusy/felp/issues
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
Imports: prettycode, callr, curl, data.table, dplyr,
htmltools, magrittr, matrixStats, memoise,
miniUI, reactable, rstudioapi, rlang, shiny,
stringi, utils
Suggests: knitr, printr, testthat (>= 2.1.0),
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Language: en-US
Config/pak/sysreqs: make libicu-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
Repository: https://atusy.r-universe.dev
RemoteUrl: https://github.com/atusy/felp
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 7c5af9147e0d831b29d95a08269ccb16498bfdf8
Built: R 4.4.2; ; 2025-02-05 02:39:35 UTC; unix
? Functional help with ? operator
dummy A dummy data for felp
felp Functional help which displays structure of an
object in addition to help
fuzzyhelp Fuzzily Search Help and View the Selection